Monday, February 8, 2010

5 months!

After giving the rice cereal to Kellen only a few times over the last few weeks, I decided to go ahead and try giving some banana to him this morning. He has been waking up in the middle of the night consistently over the last week or so, so I thought maybe he does need something a little more than just milk. It was my first time preparing the food for him, and I must say it wasn't hard or terribly time consuming, but it definitely wasn't as quick and easy as popping the lid off of a jar of commercial baby food. First, I had a hard time getting it to the consistency I wanted. I mashed it with a fork and added breastmilk to thin it out a bit, but it was still was a bit lumpy. He seemed to tolerate it just fine. I was worried it would be too lumpy, but I guess I'm just being over paranoid. My kids tend to have a very easy gag reflex, but he ate it with no problems. Boy, did he! He loved
it(no surprise there) and gobbled it all up.
It is still so hard for me to think of how far he has come in such a short time. I can't believe he was just born almost 5 months ago(on Friday), so tiny and now is such a big boy! His new favorite things are standing(he gets so excited), and being naked. Those things make him so unbelievably happy! He also is teething like crazy(he has two teeth cutting through on the bottom), and is trying to grab everything and put it in his mouth!
Every time I look at my kids, I am reminded of how unbelievably blessed I am. I am so lucky to be their mommy!