Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Trying Not to Quit

As I posted a few days ago, my supply has decreased dramatically, and it has got me really down. I've been "trying" to do what I can, but I know I haven't been doing everything I should. It has made me pretty depressed about it, but with Kellen's recent crankiness due to teething, I really haven't been able to pump more often. I was trying to feel okay about stopping pumping, but I just can't bring myself to do it! So I decided to really give it one last shot to see if I can get my supply back up. I'm going to give it two weeks to see if it helps, and then if it doesn't increase at least I know I exhausted all my efforts! So, not only am I going to increase pumping times, do some power pumping when possible, drink more water, and continue eating oatmeal, I'm going to also try a supplement that a friend recommended. I really hope this works! I did find out recently that my mom's milk
supply dried up around the three month mark, and she was breastfeeding exclusively, so who knows. But, at least I know I tried everything. Every time I have to make a bottle of formula, it makes me so sad! Luckily, he still gets mainly breastmilk thanks to a huge freezer stash, but I'd like him to continue to get breastmilk until at least the one year mark. I'd even settle for half breastmilk and half formula.
As long as I can still get milk out, I'll continue to pump. It's just too important to me just to stop. But I hope and pray I can get it back up to at least 25oz a day. I was pumping 40oz, but now I usually only get between 10-15oz.
So, I'm thinking lots of positive thoughts and know that even if he eventually only gets one breastmilk bottle a day, that is still better than nothing!